Win the Multicultural


African American

Asian American

30+ other nationalities

You may be surprised at the best way to reach one third of registered voters

The elections are around the corner and races will be tight. Between hot-button topics and strong multicultural voter turnout, getting your political campaign message across effectively to diverse audiences is critical.

Political Marketing to Win the Multicultural Vote

With over 80 million strong, multicultural voters represent a third of constituents in U.S. elections. This is their largest share ever in eligible voters that can have a major influence in the upcoming election results. Are you making sure that your political campaign is being seen effectively in this space? Refuel can.


Multicultural voters
0 M+
Of African Americans that voted in 2018 midterms
0 %
Of Hispanic voters are influenced by print ads
0 %
Of Asian voters are influenced by online ads
0 %

The Refuel Advantage

We are your local media planning and buying experts including newspaper, radio, digital, TV and out-of-home.

We are the diversity marketing agency that the world’s largest and hottest brands turn to for tactical targeting to niche audiences. We deliver successful political campaigns each election year for scores of candidates, special interests, and voter proposition initiatives. We know how to get results.

Refuel your Campaign™